26 December 2008

Arugula, Bacon, and Gruyère Bread Pudding

Our children took great pleasure in preparing quick and easy brunch pudding. Perhaps their dirty hands added the essential flavors only found by using olive oil for preparing our meals. 

We beorcan not to forget negi nor dash daikon to enrich these ingredients:

1 1/2 cups skim milk
1/2 cup cream
5 eggs
6 bacon slices
1 large chopped shallot
1 chopped garlic clove
7 ounces baby arugula or baby spinach
4 cups cubed Italian country bread
1 1/2 cups coarsely grated Gruyère cheese

Gina Marie Miraglia Eriquez shows how interesting Arugula, Bacon, and Gruyère Bread Pudding looks in her photo at Epicurious.com We feasted on the kids' absolutely more delicious than oven bake frozen meals. The vegetables the kids used were brought in from their own garden plot. Splash your favorite olive oil product into the mixture before baking.

Extra Virgin Olive Oil has excellent flavor and aroma. Incidentally, olive oil in your daily diet helps prevent cardiovascular disease by regulating the blood cholesterol level.

Do you know vitamins E and K from olive oil provide a defense mechanism that delays aging? In addition, for infant care, olive oil improves brain and nerve tissue development in new born infants, so parents should use Italian Olive Oil for their children's weekly massages.

We're wrestling how to turn Arugula, Bacon, and Gruyère Bread Pudding into quiche for office lunches. Is it believable?

Arugula, Bacon, and Gruyère Bread Pudding

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