On Sunday I was unable to board the Medical Flight home to Roma, Italia. Detailed records of Pension Service, Health Insurance schemes and the royal scam indicate that what seems to appear as the State, Japan has none of the monies to provide accident victims insurance.
Credit Architects Careggi 22 Pietro Savorelli
A similar case is evidenced through war mongers and statistical data number crunchers at the Tokyo Mitsubishi UFJ Bank. Have you ever been unable to withdraw personal bank funds without the assistance of the local police force? RE. DISCLOSURE
Five Officers of the APPD drove in swiftly onto Chuo Branch in the Naka Ward of the fraudulent bank with these practices in order to stop immediately, policies all Japanese citizens become victims of as well as foreign residents or non-residents.
The House Santulli
Ever since May 2006 I had been dealing with pain management for cervical myelopathy experienced from a neurological disorder induced from being the victim of two motor vehicle incidents and domestic violence from Kunishima Seiko in the State, Japan without lawful legal aid or protection assistance from the drivers or spouse nor from the national, prefectural or local government authorities.
"How Strange", the twisted faces of Japanese nationals contort when I beseech them.
They say, "My women and girls in the State, Japan have gone wild and misbehave!"
In addition my opthomologist had given another warning detecting cataracts, a medical condition in which the lens of the eye becomes progressively opaque, resulting in blurred vision. Masako's advice was to seek proper professional care overseas.
The past few months my body has relapsed which had caused me to fail to complete T | R Research at Istituto Sacro Romano Impero for IL CONTE PALATINO PATRIZIO D'AREZZO as well as to augment regularly to the blogosphera platform. It became necessary to return to Careggi to seek orthopedic and opthomologic advanced treatments in Rome, Italy, Italian Republic.
In July, ailing with serious internal bleeding and injuries of the spinal cord I was refused treatment at NTT Nishi Nihon Hospital even with a private doctor's written order, rejected for outpatient treatment at Nagoya University Hospital, and berated and laughed at by The Medical Teams at American Red Cross Hospital.
At Nagoya City University Hospital, where I have accepted outside hospital rooms as full-time outpatient, residents and interns have usually misdiagnosed physical symptoms even with the medical charts clearly written in English and Japanese.
Medicines which caused severe side effects weakening my condition were not changed when requested. Intern Mizutani belligerently argued her points, yet I was able to convince her how inadequate her training was. Resident Nozaki never examined my body, yet alone look at me and prescibed his own choice of medicines , then uttered Fu_k Off. Apparently he was late for his lunch date.
Chief Orthopedic Surgeon Fukuoka MD, prescribed rehabilitation treatments not available at Nagoya City University Hospital so two other hospital are visited for electric shock and laser treatments to the neck to maintain well being.
Our admiration for Dr Fukuoka is enthusiastic. It's not that he looks exactly like a twin brother. When he speaks with clarity and knowledge about any topic, one gathers his sense to envelop comfort to care for human life.
With these treatments, the disease of the damaged spinal cord has stabilized and no signs of cancerous agents have appeared. Yet, at Yamazaki Hospital where rehab treatments are received, the Chief Medical Doctor Yamazaki argues consistently about medication prescription dosage from Italy, Italian Republic.
Dr Yamazaki has threatened to halt further medical assistance, withholds evidence of criminal activity involving his patient who caused one serious motor incident further damaging my spinal cord and has the outright nerve to barbarously bully when we asked, "When was the last time you were in medical school?"
His reply, "1942". We did not wish to hear which institution that might have been. Obviously elementary, Dear Friends!
His fellow resident Dr Mokoto Something or More Other never moves from his chair as if seated on the morning throne awaiting a BM. When we ask him to write down for the record, the medications to avoid dispensing he grunts and groans, either by nature of his bio diverse ancestry or by the fact he hasn't learned to spell. In either case avoid going to see him on Tuesdays.
Advances in health treatments and medicine have advanced rapidly especially during the aging populations across the world. What happens in the State, Japan stays in the State, Japan? That's why The Internet way is so lovely.
Health Maintenance in the State, Japan, like Waste Maintenance, is simple: maintain the status quo by conspiring contracts with drug companies to continue pushing prescribed pills. Drug Pushers in some countries are outlawed or imprisoned. Modern Japan let's it all hang out.
Being the victim of several traffic incidents and domestic violence by Kunishima Seiko in the State, Japan; I consider myself fortunate because I am rather young and elected for early surgery for the chronic symptoms I had been experiencing. We find no faults with the olive oil based Mediterranean diet that we follow daily for maintaining physical well being. Continue your regimen while I regain balanced health condition.
I strongly recommend warm baths throughout the day, at this time of the year with enough mint leaves to turn the water lime colour. Add some apple skins, lemon, or pineapple if you desire. Remember to include several handfuls of olive oil. Soak 10-15 minutes then splash; rinse with buckets of the tub water after leaving the bathtub. Always drip dry and gently massage your body skin with a face towel.
Then replenish the bathtub with more hot water to draw out oils from the skins of fruit so that later during the day you are able to enjoy another soaking. If you are male, a small amount of extra virgin olive oil may be added to to moisturize refreshing your face which you may want to shave. Women usually understand their body wellness plans and theories, so it is unnecessary to share their secrets.
Photo courtesy Angela and Margherita
We learn to recognize that pain is often part of every body's life experience and pain management in the 21st century, including acupuncture, chip implants, medical management, nerve blocks, physical therapy, spinal cord stimulation, and stem cells has become a vitally important service available with a full range of treatment options, but not in the State, Japan The Far East Asia.
Euro'Italia: Italy, Italian Republic
All The Best. Accept Our Appreciation And Ext/
Pain Management